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We use only the purest ingredients.This proprietary blend is formulated with these amazing ingredients:
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Coconut Oil (MCT), Orange, Bergamot, Grapefruit.
Additional Product Information
Looking for some lift in your spirits?
The sense of smell can be a strong influencer.
We have created the right mix of essential oils too give you the comforting properties of being wrapped in a warm blanket of hugs, and additional lift in spirits which can be extremely supportive to turn that frown upside down.
VICI Wellness topical roll on is packed with high quality essential oils.
Designed to take with you wherever you go – whenever you may need relief! TSA compliant
Support for rest and relaxation.
Apply topically to the bottom of your feet, the back of your neck, and your shoulders. Inhale deeply before you go to sleep.
10 ML Glass Roller