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We use only the purest ingredients.This proprietary blend is formulated with these amazing ingredients:
All Ingredients
Calcium 1200 mg, Magnesium 360 mg, Vitamin E. 400 IU, Vitamin B-6. 100 mg, Iron 18 mg, Zinc 8 mg, Vitamin D3 400 IU.
Proprietary Blend: Chamomile, clary sage, lavender buds, neroli, rose, evening primrose oil, black cohoosh root, chasteberry, curcurmin, black pepper, 5-HTP, Theanine, Taurine, GABA, Ginger, white peony, cinnamon, coneflower, DMSO, red raspberry leaf tea, flaxseed, maca powder, dong quai, DIM (diindolymethane).
Coconut Oil, Chamomile, Peppermint, Lavender, Ginger, Cypress, Geranium, Clary Sage, Wintergreen
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Set includes
Monthly Mayhem (6 Patches)
Monthly Mayhem Roller